Cooking Healthier Meals

5 Reasons To Eat Chia Seeds And 5 Ways To Serve Them

by Paul Watson

Did you know that chia seeds are very nutritional and may be served in a variety of ways? Whether eating a handful as a healthy snack or adding them to your favorite recipe, you may find these seeds at your local natural foods store or buy chia seeds online. Here are 5 good reasons to add chia seeds to your diet, as well as 5 ways to serve them to your family:

Why You Should Eat More Chia Seeds

If you need convincing on why you should eat chia seeds, consider the following:

1. Chia Seeds Help Provide Energy and Give You a Natural "Lift"

Do you need more fuel to get you through your day? Perhaps you have a vitamin deficiency causing your tiredness. Consider adding chia seeds at mealtime or for a healthy alternative to sugary or salty snacks. These tiny black seeds contain plenty of nutrients , including the important B-vitamins that help energize. In addition, chia contains healthy plant-based protein which may help you ward off that "afternoon slump." 

2. These Seeds Are Heart-Healthy

If you are concerned about heart health, you should incorporate chia seeds into your diet. Chia seeds contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which may help prevent abnormal heart rhythms. In addition, chia contains magnesium, which also helps to regulate healthy heart rhythm.

3. Eating Chia Seeds May Help Strengthen Your Bones

You need an adequate amount of calcium in your diet for strong bones. If you don't eat diary products, you could be lacking this important mineral. Did you know that chia seeds contain a decent amount of calcium? A small serving of about one tablespoon contains 80 milligrams of calcium

4. They Are a Great Way to Up Your Fiber Intake

If you aren't consuming enough fiber, your digestive system may become sluggish, leading to constipation and bloating. Try eating chia seeds daily and you may be surprised at the difference it can make. Just one ounce contains a whopping 11 grams of fiber

5. They May Help Promote Healthier Skin

Are you looking for ways to prevent skin damage or simply achieve a glowing complexion? If so, you might want to consume chia seeds more often, as they provide a decent amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important for preventing damage from free radicals that may damage skin cells.

How to Incorporate The Seeds Into Your Family's Diet

With various ways to serve chia seeds, you may find you can incorporate them into meals and healthy snacks. Here are 5 yummy ways to serve them up:

1. Enjoy a Chia Smoothie

If you have a blender handy, why not put it to good use? Add the chia seeds to your favorite fruit or veggie smoothie recipe.

2. Sprinkle Them on Yogurt or Ice Cream

Ditch the chocolate chips and sugary sprinkles in favor of chia. Added to yogurt or frozen desserts, chia seeds are a unique way to add some variety and help cut calories as you do.

3. Add Them to Bran Muffins

For an added boost of healthy fiber, add a small amount of chia seeds to your favorite bran muffin recipe. It's a great way to increase your daily fiber intake any time of the day.

4. Serve Them With Breakfast Foods

Chia seeds are a great addition to your favorite pancake recipe. Add a few blueberries or coconut flakes and you've got a mouth-watering and nutritional breakfast for the entire family to enjoy.

Do you crave a warm and nutritious breakfast for those chilly winter mornings? Drop a few chia seeds into a bowl of oatmeal. You may want to add more water or milk to your oatmeal, as chia seeds tend to adsorb water, which may thicken the texture.

5. Jam It Up With Chia

Do you enjoy making homemade jams and preserves? If so, consider adding some natural chia seeds to your fruit jams. It will give the jam a unique texture and provide extra nutrition for sandwiches.

As a final note, you might want to consider sprouting your chia seeds when using them for various recipes. This may not only increase the nutritional value, it will add a crispy green texture for salads and other dishes. Do a bit of research to learn how to sprout the seeds and what materials are needed.
